
Click or right-click text in blue to interact.

In a homophilous network, nodes which are similar in some way are more likely to be linked together. The similarity may be a distance measure in some notional space. Here, the graph at right is equivalent to an n × n adjacency matrix A, where the number of nodes 1 \le n = $n$ \le 15 10 inc("n"); figure[2].size(get("n")); figure[1].load([0, matriculate(figure[2].data, get("m"))]); dec("n"); figure[2].size(get("n")); figure[1].load([0, matriculate(figure[2].data, get("m"))]); , whose entries

A_{ij} = \begin{cases} f(d_{ij}) &\text{if } f(d_{ij}) > m \\ 0 &\text{otherwise} \end{cases} \text{ where } f(d_{ij}) = $x$ [ "\\dfrac{1}{1 + e^{0.5(5 - d_{ij})}}", "\\dfrac{1}{1 + e^{0.5(5 - d_{ij})}}", "1 - \\dfrac{d_{ij}}{2}", ] 0 get("X")[get("Xi")] var X = get("X"); inc("Xi"); set("x", X[get("Xi")]); update("blurb_dij"); distanceFunction = distances[get("Xi")]; figure[1].load([0, matriculate(figure[2].data, get("m"))]); var X = get("X"); dec("Xi"); var Xi = get("Xi"); set("x", X[get("Xi")]); update("blurb_dij"); distanceFunction = distances[get("Xi")]; figure[1].load([0, matriculate(figure[2].data, get("m"))]); ,

$blurb$ [ "d_{ij} \\text{ is the } \\href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Euclidean_distance}{Euclidean} \\text{ distance between } \ i \\text{ and } j", "d_{ij} \\text{ is the } \\href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manhattan_distance}{Manhattan} \\text{ distance between } \ i \\text{ and } j", "d_{ij} \ \\text{ is the } \\href{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hamming_distance}{Hamming} \\text{ distance between } \ \\text{“}x_{i}y_{i} \\text{\” and “} \ x_{j}y_{j} \\text{”}", ] get("blurbs")[get("Xi")] set("blurb", get("blurbs")[get("Xi")]); , and 0 \le m = $m$ \le 1 0.35 inc("m"); figure[1].load([0, matriculate(figure[2].data, get("m"))]); dec("m"); figure[1].load([0, matriculate(figure[2].data, get("m"))]); is an arbitrary cutoff distance. If the edge weights are interpreted as probabilities of connections, then the matrix describes a distribution of possible graphs reflecting the same underlying social space.

Click and drag the points on the plot to
change the network.